Brisbane Haemorrhoid Clinic

Surgery Costs:

Insured patients:

Dr McGregor participates in the Known Gap Schemes of most major health funds. For your surgery the usual out of pocket expense is $500 for Surgeon and Assistant. The gap for the Anaesthetist is also approx. $500. Most people also have a gap on their private insurance that is payable to the Hospital on the day of surgery.

Uninsured Patients:

For uninsured patients quotes can be obtained from the Hospital, Surgeon and Anaesthetist prior to surgery.

Uninsured patients can also use superannuation funds to assist in paying for surgery. Please ask Dr Watson at your consultation or Dr McGregor’s staff for information on 3910 5150.

Formal quotes can be obtained from:

Northside General Surgeons Ph 3910 5150

Moreton Bay Anaesthesia Ph 3910 5155

Montserrat Day Hospitals

           Westside Private – Ph 3833 6701

           North Lakes Day Hospital -3833 6755